Recycling and Solid Waste Planning
Address: 6000 Asbury Ave. Tinton Falls, NJ 07753
Phone Number: 732-683-8686
Fax: 732-922-6782
William J. Johnson - Solid Waste Coordinator, ext. 7539
Samuel Guidetti - District Recycling Coordinator, ext. 8967
Anthony Morrell - Clean Communities Coordinator, ext. 5402
Visitors are requested to call ahead of time to schedule appointments with Solid Waste and Recycling staff. Use the Watertower entrance (Gate B) to access the Reclamation Center Administrative Offices.
Recycling & Composting Information, Brochures and Guides
Clean Communities Program
Recycling and solid waste planning provides technical, educational and support services to local municipalities, agencies, schools and the general public on recycling and solid waste management practices. It produces fact sheets, recycling bulletins and presents environmental education programs to schoolchildren on a variety of topics. A "Waste Sites Map" developed in cooperation with the Health Department summarizing information on old landfills and hazardous waste sites in Monmouth County is also available. The staff administers the county's "Clean Communities" program and conducts "Backyard Composting" workshops. Furthermore, it works with municipalities, agencies, committees and the business community to develop and support wise waste management practices for the County.
Other duties include working with the Health Department and other County agencies to develop and budget for a variety of solid waste management activities including household hazardous waste, electronics recycling, and scrap tire management.
Recycling and Solid Waste Planning supervises and prepares budgets for specialty programs and activities at two closed landfills owned and maintained by county personnel. It also has the important role of providing staff services to the County's Solid Waste Advisory Council.
Additionally, this office offers information on:
- What, where, how and why to reuse, recycle or dispose of discards
- How to reduce waste disposed of via environmental shopping, backyard composting and other waste prevention techniques
- Alternatives to using household chemicals and/or proper ways to dispose of household chemicals Call the Monmouth County HHW Facility at 732-683-8686 (press 1).
Some of our outreach tools include:
- Presentations and tours to schools, businesses and community groups
- Publications on a wide variety of solid waste and recycling topics
- A map of existing and former disposal sites throughout the County
- Information on services provided by municipalities and private haulers
We can help you:
- Develop or expand waste management/recycling programs for your home, school or workplace
- Contact the appropriate agency to report recycling or solid waste violations
- Schedule a litter cleanup through our Clean Communities program
- Contact the appropriate county, state or federal agency to consult for specific permits or questions
- Gather information on local recycling and solid waste requirements and services
- Request a copy of the Monmouth County Recycling Directory (request by e-mail)
Documents and Reports: