Division of Behavioral Health (Mental Health and Substance Use Services)
Lynn Seaward, BS, CTTS, Division Director and Mental Health Administrator
Kaitlyn Silagyi, MS, LPC, LCADC, Deputy Director and County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Director
Human Services Building
3000 Kozloski Rd
Phone: 732-431-6451
Fax: 732-683-8730
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The Monmouth County Division of Behavioral Health serves residents through mental health and substance use services resources. In 2020, the Monmouth County Board of County Commissioners combined the offices of mental health and addiction services as a step towards becoming stigma free.
Learn more at https://www.stigmafree-monmouth.org/.
Specifically, it provides:
- Advocates on behalf of all residents who require assistance in accessing services and /or responding to consumer complaints.
- Serves as a liaison to mental health agencies between local, county and state agencies.
- Responsible for the training and deployment of a Disaster Response Crisis Counselor Team (DRCC) that responds to natural and man-made disasters in our County.
- Provides information and referral services for behavioral health services.
- Administers County and State funds for substance use prevention and treatment projects and programs, including the municipal Alliances to Prevent Substance Use Disorder.
- Coordinates planning for treatment and prevention services including the development and distribution of the "Annual County Comprehensive Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Plan."
- Monitors funded projects and programs; disseminates the "Behavioral Health Guide" in Monmouth County.
- Operates the County's Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC) for persons convicted of an alcohol/drug-related motor vehicle or boating offense (which includes education, screening and monitoring of convicted offenders.
- Convenes the Stigma Free and Suicide Prevention Task Force
- Mental Health Board, led by the Mental Health Administrator, is responsible for assessing and evaluating the community's needs, encompassing services, facilities and programs
- Board of Addiction Services oversees the provision of community substance use services throughout the county and contracts with organizations that provide support for community-based prevention, early intervention, treatment, education and recovery services.
- Professional Advisory Committee on Mental Health/Alcohol and Drug Use (PAC/PACADA)
Due to confidentiality and HIPAA federal and state regulations, you need to include a telephone contact number and/or address when you email us. No responses by the County potentially revealing Protected Health Information can be made via email.
The Prevention Coalition of Monmouth County (PCMC)
PCMC, an affiliate of Prevention First, is committed to reducing substance use in Monmouth County by providing advocacy, awareness and education through collaborative efforts in order to ensure drug-free, healthy and safe lives for all residents. The Coalition exits to meet the need for comprehensive substance use awareness planning and programming to create change and reduce stigma in Monmouth County. Focus areas include underage drinking, opioid use and emerging drug trends. For more information and resources, visit
https://www.pcofmc.org/ and learn how to get involved.
The Division of Behavioral Health is looking for Disaster Response Crisis Counselors. DRCC's provide compassionate support and mental health care in the dace of crisis, helping communities heal and rebuild when they need it most.
Page Last Updated: 1/14/2025 9:18:00 AM