Please contact the Monmouth County Health Department with specific questions related to Clinics. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, clinic hours may be modified.
Eye Screening Clinic
In partnership with the New Jersey Commission for The Blind and Visually Impaired, the Monmouth County Health Department offers a free eye screening clinic for ages 3 and up the second Monday of each month from 3 - 6 p.m. at the Health Department. The clinic is for eye health, visual acuity and glaucoma. Other health services are also provided during the clinic.
For additional questions or appointments call 732-431-7456.
Due to COVID19 activities, this clinic is postponed until further notice.
Women's Health Program
Mammography, blood pressure checks, and self-breast check instructions are provided for women who are uninsured and live in Monmouth County.
Please call our main office at 732-431-7456, to schedule an appointment.
Locations: Monmouth County Health Department
50 East Main Street, Freehold, NJ
Immunization Services
For Children (18 and Under)
Childhood immunizations are provided free to children from birth to 18 years old who have no insurance or are uninsured, living in Monmouth County Health Department Member Towns. With parental permission, the child/children will be entered into a statewide immunization registry, which encourages timely and age appropriate immunizations.

For Adults (18 and Over)
Adult vaccines are available to uninsured individuals and people receiving ARCH Nurse Services (see below). Adults can receive Influenza, COVID, Tdap, HPV and Hepatitis A and B vaccines. By appointment only. To make arrangements, please contact the Health Department at 732-431-7456. These are held at the Health Department, 50 East Main Street, Freehold, NJ 07728.
Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic (STD)
In partnership with Hackensack Meridian, the Monmouth County Health Department offers a weekly STD clinic on Thursdays from 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm at Jane H. Booker Family Health Center. Clients can be screened for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis and HIV. Treatment is available as necessary. For further information, please call the MCHD at 732-431-7456 or Jane H. Booker Family Health Center at 732-869-5702.
A $30 fee may be applicable for some individuals. Please call to verify.
Location: Jane H. Booker Family Health Center
1828 West Lake Avenue
Suite 203
Neptune, NJ 07753
Tuberculosis Program
Location: Monmouth County Health Department
50 East Main Street, Freehold, NJ 07728 Phone: 732-308-3750
Notice: Per the New Jersey Department of Health, the Monmouth County Health Department will no longer provide Tuberculin skin testing for employment, admission to college, volunteer work, etc.
Communicable Disease Surveillance
The Monmouth County Health Department surveils and investigates communicable diseases and outbreaks in order to prevent the spread of illness. By law (NJAC 8:57-58) health care providers, administrators, and laboratory directors are required to report a variety of communicable diseases to their local health department. The list of reportable diseases can be found here:
Please call the Public Health Epidemiologist at 732-431-7456, ext. 3629 to notify the Health Department of a reportable communicable disease.
ARCH Nurse Services
The Monmouth County Health Department offers the following free services, as part of the NJ DOH ARCH Program (Access to Reproductive Health and HIV Services). Education and risk reduction counseling; STD testing, treatment and referrals; HIV testing and referrals; Drug abuse referrals for treatment; Narcan distribution; Pregnancy testing and prenatal care referrals; Adult Hep A, Hep B, Tdap and HPV vaccinations. Call Patricia Thomas, ARCH Nurse at (732) 431-7456 ext. 7435 to schedule an appointment at our Freehold location.