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at the Monmouth County Health Department!
Air & Noise Control Program
This program routinely conducts site visits at gas stations, dry cleaners, and other establishments to determine compliance with NJDEP regulations. The program also responds to citizen complaints of indoor air quality, radon, and odors. Diesel trucks and buses are inspected for idling times over 3 minutes and citations are issued as appropriate.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
GIS is used routinely in the decision-making process for most programs within the Monmouth County Health Department. The focus of the GIS program has been on Environmental, Public Health, and Emergency preparedness. This has mainly been through the creation of maps and the display of geographic data. The MCHD has kept up with its development trend of previous years by utilizing GIS software and toolsets in some very complex analysis projects. For examples of some of our GIS projects, please visit the Documents page of our site.
Hazardous Materials Response
The Hazardous Materials Response Team is on call to respond to and investigate Haz-Mat emergencies 24 hours a day. Team members have received extensive training in hazardous materials emergencies, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) response, and environmental fields such as solid waste, air, noise, and water pollution.
Household Hazardous Waste Facility
The facility is a safer, more efficient system for the management and disposal of household hazardous materials. The facility accepts household chemicals such as cleaners, pesticides, pool chemicals, all batteries, paints, motor oil, gasoline, anti-freeze, and much more.
Click here to learn about Operation Medicine Cabinet, a state-wide program designed to collect unused or expired medicine.
Mesothelioma Awareness
Mesothelioma is a rare lung cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Because of the nature of this disease, it can remain undetected for over a decade before the patient shows any signs of illness. In fact, many are now facing the deadly consequences of asbestos, years after they have been exposed. For additional information about this condition, please click on the links below:
Solid Waste Enforcement & Management (SWET)
SWET inspects all solid waste landfills, transfer stations, and recycling facilities in the County to ensure compliance with all operational standards required by State law. They have an ongoing compliance assistance program for waste management for schools, businesses, and municipalities which covers everything from recycling to safe chemical use and storage.
Click here for a GIS map of past and present Waste Disposal Sites in Monmouth County. This map was developed as a joint project between the Monmouth County Health Department and Planning Board.
Water Pollution Control
This program is divided into three areas: surface, ground water, and potable water. The Water Pollution Control Team conducts joint investigations with other department environmental units and provides assistance to local health departments with water-related complaints. For more detailed information visit our Environmental Health page.