Protective Services

"Your Needs Are Our Concern"

Please note: These programs are not administered by MCDSS.


The New Jersey Safe Haven Infant Protection Act allows a parent to give up an unwanted infant safely, legally and confidentially.

The New Jersey Safe Haven Infant Protection Act of 2000 ensures that a parent or parents of a newborn infant up to 30 days old will have a safe place (Safe Haven) to leave the infant rather than abandoning the infant in a potentially life-threatening situation. The term “Safe Haven” refers to voluntarily giving the infant either to an officer at a police station or an employee of a hospital emergency department. The parent may remain anonymous and may be immune from prosecution for abandonment under certain circumstances.

The State Department of Human Services maintains a 24 hour information and referral hotline operated by the Division of Youth and Family Services at: 1-877-839-2339


Young brothersThe Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) is New Jersey’s child protection/child welfare agency. Its mission is to protect children, support families, ensure permanency for children and prevent violence and family disruption.

DYFS is responsible for investigating allegations of child abuse and neglect and if necessary arranges for the child’s protection and the family’s treatment. District offices handle referrals and investigations statewide.

In addition, DYFS operates a 24-hour hotline toll free to receive reports of suspected child abuse and neglect during evenings, weekends and holidays. This Office of Child Abuse Control is linked with a statewide network of Special Response Units who respond to emergency reports.

If a child has been harmed or is at risk of harm, DYFS may ask the county family court to place the child in foster care. Foster homes are provided by caring individuals who have completed an extensive training and certification program.

If the family court determines a child can not be safely returned home from foster care, DYFS will begin adoption planning. Adoption services are provided by 6 regional Adoption Resource Centers (ARCs).

Division of Youth & Family Services
P.O. Box 717
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0717

Hotline: To report abuse or neglect call toll free 1-800-792-8610 (24 hour hotline). Or call the Action Line toll free 1-800-331-3937, Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

By law, suspected crimes must be reported to the proper authorities, and should be directed to local police.


Nationwide toll free hotline

The CHILD HELP hotline is a nationwide toll free number for reporting child abuse or neglect.  The telephone number is 1-800-422-4453 and response is available at this number 24 hours 7 days a week.


Adult Protective Services helps adults who are being subjected to abuse, neglect or exploitation.

Some adults are vulnerable people who cannot protect themselves. Many of these adults may suffer from a physical illness, mental illness or disability. People affected are adults including young adults and senior citizens. Persons at risk of neglect can also include those who are not taking care of themselves.

If there is reason to suspect an adult is being abused, neglected or exploited, a report should be made to Adult Protective Services. A confidential assessment will be made through a home visit. Services appropriate to correct the situation will then assist the person with getting needed assistance.

Adult Protective Services of Monmouth County
1900 Route 35, P.O. Box 8639
Oakhurst, New Jersey 07755
Telephone: 732-531-9191

By law, suspected crimes must be reported to the proper authorities, and should be directed to local police.


Protects the rights of citizens 60 years and older residing in long term health care facilities.

This program is administered by the New Jersey Division of Senior Affairs. The Office of the Ombudsman for the Institutionalized Elderly advocates on behalf of residents of long term health facilities. The office will investigate complaints about violation of rights, abuse, poor quality of care and improper transfer, discharge or use of restraints. Abuse complaints are given priority. Confidentiality is assured.

Office of the Ombudsman
P.O. Box 807
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0807
24 Hour Toll Free Hotline: 1-877-582-6995

By law, suspected crimes must be reported to the proper authorities, and should be directed to local police.


Domestic violence includes partner abuse, rape, incest and sexual assault.

In Monmouth County, the agency that assists with domestic violence issues is:

180 Turning Lives Around
1 Bethany Road
Building 3, Suite 42
Hazlet, NJ 07730

24 hour CRISIS HOTLINES (Confidentiality is assured):
Domestic Violence: 1-888-843-9262 (toll free)
Sexual Assault:  732-264-RAPE

TANF recognizes that domestic violence victims may have special needs. Some TANF requirements may not apply to victims of domestic violence. These include:

  • time limits on benefits
  • work requirements
  • the time limit on an increase of cash assistance benefits as a result of the birth of a child (if the child was conceived as a result of domestic violence, rape or incest). 
    By law, suspected crimes must be reported to the proper authorities, and should be directed to local police.

For help with parenting issues. Parents Anonymous of New Jersey, Inc. is a statewide non-profit organization whose mission is to prevent child abuse and neglect and strengthen families. All services to parents are free and absolutely confidential. Offices are located  in Hamilton, Woodbury and East Orange.

The 24 hour StressLine is available in New Jersey for help with parenting issues 24-hour, 7 days a week.  The number is:  1-800-THE-KIDS  (1-800-843-5437).

For further information, please contact Parents Anonymous:
Telephone: 609-585-7666 
Fax: 609-585-7686

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