Financial Assistance

Work First New Jersey (WFNJ) is the State’s assistance program that provides cash assistance to eligible families and individuals. WFNJ will help with job training and education through a required work activity meeting the goal of self-sufficiency. The program provides monthly cash benefits and supportive services as transportation and childcare. Eligibility for cash assistance is based on income, resources, citizenship and other eligibility factors. WFNJ is time-limited to 60-months lifetime of cash benefits.
TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
WFNJ program for families with children. Applicants are required to cooperate with Child Support to help get child support payments for your children.
GA (General Assistance)
WFNJ program for individuals or couples without dependent children. General Assistance Program offers temporary financial aid to residents who are in need and do not qualify for other assistance programs. This program typically helps individuals and couples with essential living expenses, such as housing, utilities, and food. Eligibility requirements may vary, but applicants usually need to demonstrate financial need and meet certain residency criteria. The program aims to support those facing temporary hardships while they work towards achieving financial stability.
For more information on WFNJ: to apply:
- Online at
- In-Person at our Freehold or Ocean Township offices
- Or call (732) 431-6000 x4200 to request an application to be mailed
Have questions?
Call us at (723) 431-6000 x4200
Due to confidentiality and HIPAA federal and state regulations, you need to include a telephone contact number and/or address when you email us. No responses by the County potentially revealing Protected Health Information can be made via e-mail.