Memorandum- Essay Competition


TO: Fifth Grade Faculty
FROM: Meg Sharp Walton, Executive Director
RE: 2025 Essay Contest
DATE: October 28, 2024

Considering the number of required topics in the Social Studies curricula over the span of primary and secondary education, how often will a student get an opportunity to reflect on their own environment? The Historical Commission presents Fifth Graders with an opportunity to visit a Monmouth County historic site and write about their experience visiting one or, alternatively, to compose a short essay about a family ancestor’s life. We hope you choose our Essay Contest as a class project.

There are many historic sites locally in the County and New Jersey in general. Not only the more well-known, such as Sandy Hook, Twin Lights, Monmouth Battlefield, and Longstreet Farm, but lesser-known places in your towns or even neighborhoods. Examples include churches and cemeteries, old mills, or a historic home related to a notable person? The “hidden” historic site could be a place that many do not know about but represents a significant historic event. The optional family history topic is popular. Students often write very moving accounts about their own families’ experiences.

Students should be creative since originality counts. The assignment should be informative as well as fun. We hope this assignment helps stimulate your students’ interest in history. Please feel free to contact me at should you have any questions about this Contest.

Thank you for your interest.


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