In 2006, The Governmental Public Health Partnership of Monmouth County embarked upon a community-wide process to develop a shared vision and improve the health and quality of life in Monmouth County. Stakeholders from area wide agencies and community-based organizations volunteered their time to participate in a community driven strategic planning process known as Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP). Throughout the planning process, community-wide consensus was continually nurtured and eventually reaped the development of a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), a plan that is owned by the people of Monmouth County.
It is with great pleasure that we present to you Monmouth County's CHIP, a living document that addresses the needs of Monmouth County residents. Over the next few years, area agencies and community organizations will work together throughout the action cycle to implement programs and policies that will enhance life within the County.
The MAPP Committee has changed its name to "Health Improvement Coalition of Monmouth County" in 2012, and has also updated its Community Health Profile (see below.) The top three issues identified are (1) Risk factors for heart disease, (2) Adult and childhood obesity, and (3) Access to primary care. These subjects were incorporated into a revised Community Health Improvement Plan, complete with goals and measurable objectives.
Page Last Updated: 7/12/2019 1:18:00 PM