Monmouth County Fire Academy
The Monmouth County Fire Academy will be offering the class ICS-200c beginning on October 24, 2024, at the Academy. Please refer to the Advanced Classes/Hands-On Classes for the course flyer and advanced class registration form. Students are required to bring a thumb drive to class to download the student manual.
Building Construction for the Fire Service:
The Monmouth County Fire Academy will be offering the class Building Construction for the Fire Service beginning on November 7, 2024 at the Academy. Please refer to the Advanced Classes/Hands-On Classes for the course flyer, course schedule and advanced class registration form.
Fire Instructor 2:
The Monmouth County Fire Academy will be offering the class Fire Instructor 2 beginning on September 30, 2024, at the Academy. Please refer to the Advanced Classes/Hands-On Classes for the course flyer, course schedule and advanced class registration form. The textbook for the course will be "Fire and Emergency Services Instructor" - 9th edition. The prerequisites for taking the class shall be NJ state certified Firefighter 1 and Instructor Level 1.
Haz-Mat On-Scene Incident Commander
The Monmouth County Fire Academy will be offering the class Haz-Mat On-Scene Incident Commander beginning on October 16, 2024, at the Academy. Please refer to the Advanced Classes/Hands-On Classes for the course flyer, course schedule and advanced class registration form. The textbook for the course will be "Hazardous Materials - Managing the Incident" 5th Edition.
The Fall Drill Ground training semester is now closed.
Current Drill Ground Schedule
Effective 2-9-23
Please send all course requests, Academy inquiries, and all
other Academy related paperwork to this email:
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