County of Monmouth
Monmouth County Division of Planning

Areawide Water Quality Management Program

The Water Quality Planning Act, N.J.S.A. 58:11A-1 et seq. authorizes the Governor to designate areawide planning agencies for the purpose of developing, adopting, updating and amending Areawide Water Quality Management Plans (AWQMPs). In 1997, the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders became the Designated Planning Agency for Monmouth County (Whitman Executive Order 67).  The Board of Chosen Freeholders delegated operational responsibilities to the Monmouth County Planning Board, who in turn created the Amendment Review Committee (ARC) to process and review proposed changes to the Monmouth County AWQMP in order to increase the speed and efficiency with which amendments could be processed.  There are several aspects to areawide water quality management planning. The focus in Monmouth County has primarily been wastewater and stormwater management planning.


The Wastewater Management Plan (WMP) for Monmouth County Future Wastewater Service Area (FWSA) Map was adopted on April 11, 2013, as amended. To see a copy of the notice of adoption click here. Use the Monmouth County Wastewater Management Plan Map Viewer to see the map in detail.

The NJDEP has adopted new Water Quality Management Planning Rules (WQMP) effective November 7, 2016. The new rules repeal and replace prior rules set forth by the NJDEP Department of Water Quality Management Planning program, which originates from the Federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C 1251 et seq.). Monmouth County Planning staff, with the oversight of the ARC and aid of the NJDEP, has until May 2018 to produce a new Wastewater Management Plan (WMP) for the county. This will involve modeling and analysis for capacity of sewer service areas and septic areas in Monmouth County, and influence the Future Wastewater Service Area (FWSA) Map for future development within the county. Throughout the upcoming months, Planning staff will be in contact with sewerage agencies and municipal representatives for information necessary regarding the development of this new WMP.

To apply for an amendment to the WMP start with the NJDEP Applications Page. Pre-application meetings are highly recommended. To request a meeting, complete the NJDEP Request for Pre-Application Meeting. To hold one coordinated pre-application meeting with both state and county representatives, be sure to copy the ARC on the NJDEP meeting request, including all attachments. When making a formal application, complete all required NJDEP forms found on their Applications Page. Concurrently apply to the County. Contact Amber Mallm for a copy of the Monmouth County Areawide Water Quality Management Plan Application for Plan Amendment Packet. This packet includes instructions, the County’s Supplemental Application Form, and the Monmouth County Water Quality Management Plan Amendment Procedures. Applications to both agencies must be made simultaneously.


In 2004 the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders designated the County Planning Board as their review agency for Municipal Stormwater Management Plans. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-97, it is the county review agency's responsibility to review and approve, conditionally approve or disapprove municipal stormwater management plans and ordinances. The County Planning Board created the Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) to process and review municipal plans and ordinances and to make recommendations relative to their approval. Currently all Monmouth County municipalities have approved municipal stormwater management plans and ordinances. Regional stormwater management plans must be submitted to NJDEP and the designated water quality management planning agency for review and approval as an amendment to the areawide water quality management plan in accordance with the Water Quality Management Planning Rules at N.J.A.C. 7:15.

For information about the STAC and stormwater email Bridget Neary