County of Monmouth
Monmouth County Division of Planning

Transportation Planning

The Transportation Planning section studies the interaction of transportation, development patterns and land use issues affecting Monmouth County. The section compiles data, conducts studies to analyze the use and performance of highway and transit systems, facilitates public outreach and coordination on selected transportation issues, and maintains a close working relationship with local, state, and regional transportation planners and agencies. Staff works in conjunction with the Development Review section reviewing proposed subdivisions and site plans affecting county infrastructure and preparing and maintaining the County Road Plan. The section also provides administrative, technical and clerical support to the Monmouth County Transportation Council.

The Transportation section is responsible for administering the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) transportation planning grant program for Monmouth County each year. This grant ensures that a comprehensive and coordinated transportation planning program is available for Monmouth County to support regional planning and capital project funding decisions made for all of Northern New Jersey. Staff conducts studies, and prepares reports and maps to highlight critical regional transportation and travel issues including commuter and mass transit such as traffic congestion reduction strategies, improving public transportation services and balancing multi-modal transportation needs with community quality of life issues; and fosters state and municipal partnerships; and provides technical guidance and support to municipalities in their transportation planning projects.


Additional Information:


For specific roadway or project inquiries, suggestions, and information visit the Bridge and Road Projects page or contact The Division of Engineering directly.

Victor Furmanec, P.P., A.I.C.P., Supervising Planner
Michael Popovech, Assistant Planner
Jason Pene Jr., Assistant Planner 

Phone: 732-431-7460         Fax: 732-409-7540