County of Monmouth
Lost Belongings

In the event there are lost belongings in the trash, it is advised to call the garbage company that picks up your trash. Give them your address and ask if the truck has been to the landfill yet. Be sure to ask for the License Plate Number (not just the truck number) of the truck. If the truck has not been in, ask what time the truck is due at the landfill. It is imperative to show up along with (or before) the truck, which contains your item. If at all possible, call the landfill prior to coming out 732-683-8686 ext. 5141, 5600, 5601 to make arrangements. If coming to the landfill, bring old clothes, steel toe boots, safety glasses and gloves if possible.

Unsure of company? Many towns pick up their waste. Call your DPW to find out which company picks up your waste. An alphabetical list of the four biggest commercial haulers at Monmouth County Reclamation Center in Tinton Falls are as follows [no guarantee that one of these may be your hauler]:

  • Freehold Cartage (generally - red trucks) 732-462-1001
  • Marpal Company (generally - blue trucks) 732-542-2348
  • Sakoutis Bros. Disposal (generally - red trucks) 732-683-0300
  • Waste Management (generally - green trucks) 732-341-8261

If the truck has already been to the landfill and has dumped the load, no more can be done.  We commingle the daily trash from an average of 300 trucks per day. From the processing floor, the trash is sent it to balers via a conveyor. The trash is compacted, then wired into cubes the size of a compact car, weighing about 53 pounds per square foot. The cubes of trash are then hauled to their final destination, which is appropriately called a "Bale Fill". Bales are buried by more bales and dirt.

Click here for directions to the landfill.